Category: /General/
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This is a word I've often heardAnd it's my way of being so~
In this life with all it's strife
And all the woe on earth I know~
There's millions of answers to our being
That are there for all to see~
But some like to complicate it all
As they can't sell simplicity~
We go to school as children
And each year we we go up a class~
Or if some fail an exam they might
Repeat again it's clear as glass~
Non of us ever do just one class
Then go sit by the deans right hand~
We have to go from class to class
And pass all tests that are so grand~
So many here take a few facts
And then teach as if they know~
But not knowing they are failing lessons
And a way harder way thus they go~
There are no shortcuts in this school
Our head teacher was not born yesterday~
And we will go from class to class its so
And do it all within in our own way~
But all the seemed complicated things
Are in fact so simple to understand~
As their God above the same one we love
Has placed simple answers in our hands~
Jesud he said we were his children
He explained it all as if we were so~
With simple explanations of it all
This class to a higher one yet to go~
They say he'll come back to show us
That there was no end for the soul~
Well he did at a last breakfast
Then back to where he died 85 years old
He told that ahead was joy peace of mind
And all we see here as so much strife~
Everything will be just as he said
After we leave this class in life~
And if we stop to think it's true
We all have this class to do then home~
Before taking on the next one to come
Yet religions full of imagination syndrome~
And we all do worry ever so we do
Thanks to them adding their lying weight~
When without their crime ever so divine
And their endless heaven and hell debate~
But we are in such good hands regardless
He above human comprehention knows its true~
With love as weve never known and simplicity
And all religions might even learn a thing or two~
Terrence Michael Sutton
Copyright 2018
( And its true )
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