Category: /General/
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The old home town as I knew it to be Has moved on all almost gone with time
The much loved old ways and those days
Have like leaves since fell off the vine
Old generations now memories some still
They linger in the minds of just a few
And all new things have replaced the old
As in time almost all things gone now new
Those river walks all now no more at all
As they all were once so very long ago
And even the river no more as was once
In my mountain home just below the snow
All cement paths replace those grassy places
And highways high over the little bridges
Where we once rode horseback long ago no more
And new homes replace those once country ridges
One can find a few old places still about to be
But they are now not on that hill side all alone
Endless suberbs now through those once grassy fields
Where as children we caught cray fish in dams near home
That little corner store has now long gone away
Where there were orchards now shopping complexes grand
The spot that I myself once shot rabbits running
Are now factories and buildings how many stand
All still alive within my heart and mind always
But in reality all been taken from a living sight
The only things I knew I guess I could still find
Would be still those brightest stars at night ..
terrence michael sutton
copyright 2015
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