Category: /General/
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How often we go back within our memories
I Wish ever so at times we could too
To some times back then and do it ag'en
To souls and places and also loves we knew
But I am one who within this life almost done
And I too made sentimental trips back in time
Going back to a places of once loves and graces
And nothing was half as loving then or as divine
It's way best to think of ones next day new
And have it as one would like all past to be
To do it all only to ones own souls own call
Regardless if ever so many agree or disagree
Keep in mind if one had one glance behind
With a thought where you might be going
You'd want to look back with positive love
To where life's winds have been blowing
The past is just that it's all over and done
There's no going back ever in this life's time
Even if we could it would not look as it should
We have all grown since then hopefully ever fine.
Terrence Michael Sutton
copyright 2011
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