Category: /General/
(1016 views)1
So proud Australia can be right now
With our games right here at home
It should be The Australian Games
Other ideas and thinking left alone
What an insult from right royals being
Sending out here mummies little boy
Must think weve memories like fish net
As well with his long before Di play toy
They sent us out here as convicts in chain
Treating us as Englands worse that be
Flogged and whipped for stealing bread
Worse that their scum far across the sea
Time to get rid of any connection with them
Become proud of all we became since then
From convicts to all we are today in reality
Before religions politics just hard since when
Create a proud and well earned Australia
And to boot creat a brand indepentant flag
No other country on it at all just convicts up
No other conciderations or redfern created rag
Time to give up saying sorry no kiss my rear M P 's
All forget what they have since we did arrive
There was no Australia before convicts turned up
No registered ownerships nothing on which to thrive
Nobody can go back and change things at all now
When the convict ships sailed in for all convicts hell
No blame for them blame the right royals their idea
It was the convicts that built Australia ring that bell
Send home the the ones that sent convicts here to die
We don't want to know them or to kiss royal rear
Think about the things royals got away with in time
Them being above their own created laws so dear
These games should be the AUSTRALIAN GAMES
Without any complaints from any come what may
Become the convict created AUSTRALIAN our values
Those who don't , Don't plan to in AUSTRALIA stay
No applogolies remember convicts were stolen too
terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
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