Category: /General/
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I write poetry as thats what I'v done
Since I was a lad at the age of sixteen
And I have a photographic memory
Of all of the good bad and in between
I've seen things that generations of late
Could not believe if they saw them too
My being as old as their grand-parents
When values and integrity were not new
I've seen generations of past as if experts
All thought that they alone knew the way
Watched what religions did in Gods name
Creating war and killing endless every day
I've watched children being abused by them
Women as well being treated just the same
And the very planet we call home destroyed
By the human race it becoming more insane
Racism and wealthy greed taking all the time
Endless forests destroyed each day by the mile
Daring each one until each day is over and done
With their as if satenistic greed and wealthy smile
Blaming all but themselves all of the while and time
Yet they say they know their God and to him pray
However in their bibles they write he is all things
including the oxygen they breath insanity on display
This planet has endless civilizations below the sea
That just as they told of all that of life they knew
History does repeat it's self has done many times
Karma's on the way the human race well over due
terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
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