Category: /General/
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Both my parents had one thing in common
Both perfectionists in their own way
When doing anything they gave their all
No-matter if it was night or during day
I myself raised as a perfectionist in life
Gave all I ever did my best regardless
Making sure I had given my all at any time
From building to making love I must confess
Most of all if I loved too what I was doing
The most valuable thing to give always time
For having the ability to give ones all
Contributing ones perfection ever divine
With even making love if one wishes to give
Ones self in whole and being ever so aware
Of every single erogenous zone that exists
Making love that is today way beyond compare
Being an old soul much lost sad to but true
There are places endless angels will not know
As a good enough will do who cares anyway
Attitude has become the way most seem to go
Giving time slowly gently romance not known
Souls cry for completion in many loving ways
Once ever long ago it's so many don't know
Once feelings known lived within past days
Today written books of loves babling brooks
Natural as them flowing over mountain stones
As then they knew complete abandon in giving
That thrilled an earthbound souls very bones
So many dreams of actors in movies produced
And most think such fantasies don't exist
But ones soul is older than time it's self
Within oldest souls such feelings were kissed
Within now modern times stories poetic rhymes
So much of making love will not ever be known
As gently as two clouds becoming one so high
Within loves breezes and highest winds blown
It's all become a part of todays done thing
Souls walking through parks don't see flowers
Or notice two birds flying as one ever so high
Unaware abandon letting go making love for hours
If two needing such love take a months trip away
The first week contains what did I forget to do
A week before thinking of any returning home
It's this is killing me I wonder what is new
A just spent lifetime of performance working
Owned by religion politics taxes making money
If only they could take more notice I say
Of free birds nature wild bees making honey
Turning off abandon loving mind body soul
A soul upon earth would live ever so longer
Completely letting go with abandon it's so
Endless stress illnesses theraputicly stronger
terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
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