Category: /General/
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Heard it on the grape vine the other day
While sitting on a coach as it rolled along
That someone rubbed a bloody ball in sport
Sounded like religion or some boring song
I think they were refering to tennis no clue
Someone stuck a bouncing ball so went report
The world has real problems and here they cry
Give me a break after all it's only bloody sport
I wasn't sure sounded like a miss stink finger
Shoved a ball somewhere to use it later on
Seems it had got damaged in some funny way
The world has way worse lyrics to it's song
End up a never ending story so it all seemed
I guess down there unshaven spikey bits exist
Bloody hell it's only sport at it's very best
It's only a bloody ball be better being kissed
Here we are looking at cities bombed every day
Children dying all the time all over earth true
And someone is more worried about a bloody ball
Seems to me they have the I Q of a bloody shoe
The ball it hits the deck how many times I ask
Gets whacked all over if not to kingdom come
Here we have a whole buch of sporty whingers
Of what happened to the ball out of sight done
terrence michael sutton
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