Category: /General/
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Bush-men have always loved a good yarnWhile sitting around a camp fire bright
To enjoy a laugh and a cup of billy tea
After a hard days work done at night
But almost all of them have heard them
Old yarns spun many times before
However now they have one not ever heard
Listening to it I can hear hear them roar
As soon as one mentions the name Barnaby
A once M P an upstanding bloke was he
Of a bloke and his secretary on the job
With his brains where they should'nt be
Of how she took way more than dictation
Whenever things were a little there quiet
He'd lock the door with don't disturb on it
And turn off the camera as well too right
Well it was not long and a familier song
Boss things now might be a little rough
As I got some news from my doctor and
Sorry sir I found I'm right up the duff
What will I tell my wife he then claimed
Goodness there'll be more washing than pegs
Here I am and my personal secretary is now
Choch'a block one could say full of and legs
Him saying no wuck'en furries I find a good
Excuse for this matter she'll be right dear
Doing up his zip he left the M P office then
Giving her an insuring hug holding her near
He put on his ten gallon hat and walked out
Saying oh it's just one of those M P days
We M P 's get in all sorts of situations
And at times common sense gives way to craze
Well there then went political correctness
He said I feel like a right proper dick
Funny that she then mumbled softly me too
What have you got sir for your next trick
Well it took no time in pubs and clubs
Many a bush-man almost choked on beer
Trying to keep a straight face drinking
In amongst the often then loudest cheer
But this yarn has'nt finished yet mates
This is only chapter one you'll find
Good thing his secretary was not SSM
Or the rest would be right behind
terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
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