Always Something New
Category: /General/
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Every morning I rise looking for in life
Something I've never heard or seen
Might be a new bud on a rose outside
Might be an answer to a living dream
Two flying birds celebrating a life as one
A small flower despite all diversity growing
Something that triggers a deepest thought
Throwing a light on a factual slice of knowing
To actually meet a soul that does not follow
Their peers and others or anything or one
Simply honestly with integrity being true
To them selves until time and life is done
The smallest things one can find each day
If one takes the smallest amount of time
To find anything you never knew yesterday
Being factualy true beautiful ever sublime
None of which was created by biblical fantasy
Naturally only often right under our very eyes
The most wonderful of all things upon our earth
Are right where we are each day to our surprise
terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
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