Category: /General/
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He's been visiting a friend a state away
Upon side of mountain tracks not been
Came a day his host being on business
Came an urge to walk a track high unseen
Thinking admiring nature for company
Feeling as if he was that day being lead
Not a single soul to be seen or heard about
Deepest unfigured thoughts within instead
Peaceful existance mountain high there alone
Not knowing why or where he was thus going
However a feeling as if a reason for this stroll
As a gentle mountain wind as if seeds sowing
Then he stopped a strangest un-natural sound
Broke the natural symphony of mountain high
Heard away a sobbing ever softly through trees
A most heart breaking gentle softest as if cry
Following it he walked away from walking track
There he saw a beautiful soul ever this life real
Sitting near a mountain spring fresh trickling
That cry gave birth to a sadness loneliness to feel
Deliberately dropping a branch to make aware
As she looked up he signed a hand up of all's ok
Walking to her side sitting somewhat near beside
Withing dimmest mountain shadows on this day
Holding out his hand as to indicate care no demand
Letting her feel by doing so a friend that day un-met
He then knew he had been lead by those guiding us
He was where he was supposed to be without regret
Softly he whispered could he ask why the saddest tear
Becoming one for moments via eyes widows of soul
Gently she did her best to softly thus there explain
I've never felt nor been so lost alone nor at all so cold
Removing his jacket to shoulder thus in warm geature
Knowing up here on mountain his soul had been lead
He lent in caring stance a shoulder on which to rest
As if an old friend had been sent to mend the dread
She told in awhile alone her parents now passed on
She'd spent her life thus in their aging time caring
Never knew a single soul remaing up there alone
Now ever along this woe her heavy heart bearing
Running his fingers through her hair ever gently
She leaning towards the feeling she'd not ever knew
Hours passed feelings allowed to now exist openly
As the high trees gave it's approval as it gently blew
He kissed her cheeks she turned in need a reality
Lips they did from there thus the so meant to be
Feelings of abandon arms ever now clinging on
A prayer answered a knowing a loneliness set free
terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
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