Impossible For Myself To Explain
Category: /General/
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I've been watching this world grow older
Since 1942 when I was back then born
The things I've seen many would'nt believe
Seen so many changes every other dawn
I stated writing it all down via poetry then
At the age of sixteen years of life then
And I have everything documented down
That I'd written since away back when
Most today born when I was forty two
And most of them are followers it seems
Of religions politics racist attitudes too
Not a lot captains of their souls or dreams
Not their fault how they were raised true
By generations of traditions all doing same
Taught to do as told by those not knowing
That most were born with as well a brain
Over one hundred and sixty bibles printed
And they all have the truth as they all say
Same almost of endless religions existing
And they all insist upon having their own way
That spells WAR and the creation of them
All say they know their God personally too
They speak for their as if God all the time
And look around at just what they all do
Well enough said I'm no instructor of life
They as well have a natural when born brain
However the things they are doing in his name
Almost impossible for me to begin to explain
terrence michae sutton
copyright 2018
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- aussiepoet
Mon Apr 02 14:16:56 UTC 2018
Thank You .. This little angel is so talented and just graduated with top marks .. Shes my translater and I adore her ..
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