Category: /General/
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Away out on the back blocksOut in the country side out back~
There's always been an old tradition
When out there along the track~
Away out in the country
Always been the same for me~
Boiling the billy on camp fire
And a cup of hot black tea~
A slice of home made dampa
Pre buttered just fine~
After that sit back and roll a smoke
And smell the gum trees ever divine~
The bush it has a fragrance
That all Aussies know too well~
When you stop for what we call smoko
It's a traditional love so swell~
Doing this away back from always
It's been the Australian way~
Away out within the country side
They all still do it to this day~
Generations way before me
Have always done the same~
A cup of billy boiled hot black tea
Come sunshine or come rain~
Terrence Michael Sutton
copyright 2008
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