Category: /General/
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Almost a disgrace just now the human race Who for most prefess to adore God upon high
An entity that simply above our comprehention
Watches the human race have his creations die
Destroying our plantet killing endless in his name
From mountain to ocean cities endless family
Children uncountable love hope for peace at all
And yet they pray asking this God to set them free
Religions endless all with the one truth and wealth
Mighty their organizations greatest untaxable crime
Doing all they can to encourage another extinction
Of the human entire race family yours and mine
Earths karma has already decided it's being again
And yet they all play another extinctions final game
Not one concidering that there is a power far beyond
Their comprehention a dimention soon their shame
Six times earths blackboard has been wiped clean
And all then for most we know not as we proffess
And yet try and tell any self appointed ruler anything
Along with their imaginery religious all knowing mess
Children born knowing love until taught how to hate
Trained brainwashed to follow to have in lies that be
Instead of enjoying childhood love and all wonderful
They from birth minds hearts often taught insanity
Unknowing that their planet home of sublime beauty
Was not this again created by a human invented lie
This life a class in a school trying to teach many a fool
While lifes first peace on earth of worth passes by
terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
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