Category: /General/
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Waiting for the coach I sat and there I heard
A conversation between a few children talking
They must have been passing thoughts of life
As they too sat and a few there about walking
I was so amazed at their basic common sence
The simplicity honesty regardless color or race
Their little hearts deeply concerned about others
And the way things are just now sincerity on face
No religion or politics racism or the likes mentioned
Just children their feelings thoughts all of their own
And I looked towards the clouds and there I thought
If only the powers that be could take their words home
Little angels every single one were they that cared
About other children their families countries too
Their words like diamonds upon a longest beach
And a shiver ran through me right to the very bone
Has me realize that theres little hearts mind and souls
That in no time as one could set all things right of late
However their grown peers religions politics teaching
Has not taught their precious little souls yet to hate
terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
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