Another Race
Category: /General/
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All men are on earth are equal on earth
Thats what it says in their man written book
Everyone knows right from wrong as well
Instead of have faith why don't they take a look
Everybody knows anything passed the word no
Is rape but rape has many different forms true
Those who are the powers that be on a daily rate
Are raping our very only planet home as they do
The list of all being done to date to long to record
And they'll soon know how climate change loo
We have a planet wiped clean six time already
The human race helping this become seven times true
Simplicity is not worth money to them in any way
But the walking already human dead think that war
Will win the way and that fortune will thus them pay
Religions mixed with politics will take care for sure
How many already lost civilizations thought the same
Our oceans floors hold endless that thought as they
And endless loving poorer souls all know so better
While little boys with bigger toys such games they play
Come will a time again their uncaring games divine
Again as before there 'll be no I told you so's
Yet in another million or so years to one day come
Deepest oceans will reveal the stupidity another race to go
terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
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