Category: /General/
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We all know lots of people
People that weve met
Mostly within our travels
And even some we can't forget
There are friends and as well
A few that are more than family
As well as one or two that are who
Real time friends forever to be
I'm a guy who puts his money
Where his mouth is for these few
When we die we don't take it with us
Thats how I am and what I do
To give a gift brings joy and smiles
Expect nothing back its so
What goes around comes around
In different ways we should know
Most of my real true friends are trying
In different ways to make ends meet
And I simply adore them endlessly
I've been there wore the shoes on their feet
I love chances to help them as often as
Money is nothing but a tool in life
I do as I can because I'm able to
Help them some with normal daily strife
I don't expect anything in return true
Its a gift all I ask is appeciation
For them to know I'm a real time friend
Thats all there is in explanation
I don't want them shy or pass me by
I only need their friendship always
To have them know a real time friend
Will be there for them come what may
terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
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