Category: /General/
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We have holidays of all sorts of kindsTo remember a specail day~
But theres one that should mean so much
More so than all the others come what may~
In one of my older poems
I once wrote within this site~
A poem about Mothers
And all they do for to us day and night~
If one ever wanted to explain life in just one word
There honestly could be no other~
Who on earth could argue with me
When I softly whisper mother~
Without a mother where would we be
I honestly can not imagine where~
A mothers love and all a mother does
Her very being beyond compare~
There will always have to be a mother
In all things in life it's true~
The birth even of a tree,a child , or a bird
The list goes forever onward through~
The very birth of our Lord Jesus
All the stars above , our planet too~
The very beinning of everything
And yes the birth of myself and You~
There is simply no greater thing to do
Than to be the giver of life upon earth~
Mother .... simply Mother
No other word has as much worth~
Terrence Michael Sutton
Copyright 2007
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