Category: /General/
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How I still ever so do rememberWhen our lips cried for the hanging on~
And after when our lips they parted slowly
In a way that overestimated every sung love song~
Our hands hung on as we slowly moved away
And still long after you had gone my love~
Your beautiful fragrance how it graced my shirt
And as my heart beat and I thanked God above~
Never could I ever forget that first magic moment
I never in this lifetime never could~
As it is calved into my memory,heart and soul
Like a deep heart calved into a tree and wood~
And still now after all of this time it seems
Here I still hold within my arms that same loving dream~
And you are to this day the one that holds my heart
You rein there as my hearts own very queen~
I knew when we met all my prayers had been answered
Just the way that I dreamed once they would be~
You are my one true love forever and always
And you will always be within my heart and a part of me~
Terrence Michael Sutton
copyright 2011
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