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As far back as any of us can rememberAnd often way before that as well~
As if it came from one life to another
And now within this new born soul it dwells~
From when we first ever thought about it
Stopped to think of what on earth it could be~
A secret dream deep within us all
That silently cries out for it's destiny~
As we all go through our life sometimes
We look back on the road we've all been~
And all the while in it's own very style
There has always been this one secret dream~
No way is it a fantasy of any kind
It takes us years to ever know it's name~
We just know that it's deeply within us
As if a small but still ever bright flame~
We sometimes wonder what life has been is all about
We often think of it having being a road so very long~
An ongoing river as if with no end at all
Some see it as having been a never ending song~
But still within us lives this smallest dream
It can be of many shapes and many forms~
Something we see as being one day our greatest joy
Our most wonderful to ever be of dawns~
A dream though small,but so strong it'll never die
Not until the very day that it's born~
And once it is born it never dies
And never tires and or never yawns~
We all have this small feeling deeply within us
However most simply put it too one side~
But it remains within us forever
Though within us we often take it along for the ride~
Some later on come out of life's shade
And walk into the sunshine so bright~
And then realize what it is that's been there
It's still that inner dream within us alright~
It's then a dawning of a greatest day
A finding of what has lived so long within~
A dream that simply would not ever let go
Not since the first day our souls they begin~
A destiny of why you and I were ever born
The answers you have searched for so over time~
A something endlessly thought about deeply within
That has never left your soul,your heart,your mind~
We all have this smallest dream deeply within us
If we like to admit in life or maybe not~
But something lives within we would love to come true
A dream that never till found forgot~
Only the deepest you knows what it is true
Or if it's actually there at all~
But it will not ever be going anywhere
Not till the answers they fall~
You'll know it when it becomes a reality
When that smallest dream it does come true~
That same little spark within you in the dark
When it's reality simply turns up out of the blue~
Terrence Michael Sutton
Copyright 2008
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