Category: /General/
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In my life staying away from unwanted strifeYou nanme it I've been there once or twice
Made love to angels many men only dream of
And often went back for more as it was nice
Sang them songs wrote them too all memories
Most old songs took me back aways each time
Met souls and vowed not to ever mention names
But all of them differently ever so simply divine
Poetry I've written endless in my life ever true
Of what I saw and felt at a point in time and day
Camped out in the wilderness in a swag at night
And listened to natures symphony all as one play
Loved the sound of waves dying upon a lonely shore
Loved the sea air filling my lungs during the night
Counted shooting stars as they seem to do often
Watched different shapes of the moons plight
Often curled up with one I thought I'd die for
But time seemed to have it's own idea often true
Most of my life enjoying all I loved so very much
One of them was making real love to one like you
Told no storoes out of school at any time it's so
Secrets stashed them all away under lock and key
Magic moments I've known so many in my travels
And all of them remain today safe and sound with me
terrence michael sutton
copyright 1018
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