Category: /General/
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Its not concidered wrong this day and ageKilling thousands on a concidered normal day
Wiping out generations in so many places
Killing families children innocent why I say
Wars founded on religion politics greed wealth
Its what so many actually in life daily really do
Teaching children to hate kill carry a weapon
As from birth thats what they'er taught its true
But its concidered such a sin to have an abortion
To even make love to one you've in life not met
To ruin all nature has ever given in some places
Winor ot lose the flip sides of a crazy bet
And yet we call suicide drugs theft depression
Ever so hard for most to come to terms each day
Why the innocent feel the way they do endlessly
Totally confused souls in almost every single way
Wars been happening for endless time in history
Now two decide they both could do with praise
Both thinking such a simple deed will change it all
A cup of water on a burning building modt feel to say
One could write many a book on stupidity living still
Even that would not raise interest heard it before
It scares the life out of me within my very soul
I feel weve opened up earths last very door
terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
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