Become an AUSTRALIAN or leave
Category: /General/
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Born and bred an Aussie was once proud
Of a country who once all put Australia first
All that I was proud of almost gone forever
Australia once old school pride dying of thirst
Time to rid Australia of Royal anything I feel
Thinking Aussie memories shorter than a wick
Totally above the law with self centered opinions
Time for Aussie independence now the only trick
Australia don't need their pompas do as we please
Clear we can stuff up Australia on our very own
Polititions retiring then coming back always seems
To have another crack at wrecking our country home
Englands unwanted built Australia long ago in time
But all that stamina strength vision diversity gone
The weeds have overtaken Australias gardens seems
Heartbreaking at best dead and buried oldest dreams
I still remember men picks ax'es crow bars draft horses
None of which afraid of hard work longest ever days
Endless Anzacs dying if they could now really see it as is
Silent would be most of their honest I died for this praise
So much of Australia owned by once concidered enemies
So disappointed am I looking back as I often still do
When they dragged logs from forests drafts and bulls
None of the likes exists anymore long gone all it's true
We don't need a Commonwealth anything anymore
Just Australian become one or feel free to go home
And politicians retired staying retired for good
Leaving AUSTRALIA as is well enough alone
terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
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