Category: /General/
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When ever others have to know all your secrets
The only thing that you really have to do
It's called feeding the chickens
Give them some crumbs maybe a few
If thats all they have in their life they have to do
Just tell them enough to keep them satisfied true
Give them a make believe don't tell will you
And feed their empty minds with a crumb or two
One has to show pity for such a lowere I Q
So throw them a few crumbs of don't tell will you
As long as they live their lives won't change true
Chicken after all just chickens and do what they do
They'll take those crumbs adding a thought or two
With fowl like imaginations the hens roosters too
But thats who they are like some humans so blue
Some get laid some don't some get hatched it's true
Replying .. You got laid ? goodness have'nt you too
Never thought you would .. But even chickens screw
Along came this rooster and it was all far from blue
Then he told the whole farm yard with a cock a doodle do
terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
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