Category: /General/
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Maybe some have not concidered thisThe poets of life would know for sure
All the important stories are on a beach
Have always been will be forever more
Every single different size of the sand
Eevery different size of stone and shell
Have all the stories of life there within
And still so many more untold yet to tell
No matter what size each grain of sand
They all make up the beaches that there be
All so God given and needed in life always
From the smallest and largest there by the sea
Much one could say like every soul on earth today
The richest poorest important and the smallest soul
They all make up what we refer to as life upon earth
And all play in their way the most important role
Like the most prolific poets and those that just began
Like the smallest ever flower and those so large in size
All are a part of what lifes all about upon earth
Without them all life upon earth as we know it dies
So many stories and wisdoms of life all upon a beach
That are all there to tell of all we need to know
Next time you are walking upon a beach just ask
Open your mind and allow the beach to whisper low
The most insignificant to the most concidered greatest
All are different sizes of sand within the sands of time
All make up the beach of life working as one always
And all are blessed by God above with all his love divine.
Terrence Michael Sutton
copyright 2011
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