Category: /General/
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Endless upon our planet earth be them religious or not
Have seen endless wars all due to the same as today
And though endless might well take offence
If it honks and looks like a goose its a goose I say
Earth the most beautiful planet home our only one
And its screaming for all to at least about it care
To be a family the human race simply getting along
As our planet home has had way more than it can bare
Cities of rubble endless dead children to the aged
All beauty of once now passed turned to broken stone
Countries of politicians each one no better than any
Tuning cities forest trees valleys green into bone
To each their own religions kept home leave earth alone
learn as a supposed inteligent race to simply get along
Having raceism no more sexist attitudes out of the door
And thus become a race all singing the same very song
Forget all opinions of their god before we all are sod
And in all honesty thats what one day we all will be
Worship God upon earth oxygen mountains to the oceans
Rid earth of hate replace love the innocent all agree
Its all just a game of the ignorant blind and insane
Fill lands with trees wild flowers birds and bees
Safety for all traveling free to call no cities to fall
Be yourselves but a one human love mountains to seas
Not a soul in days of old when dying took their gold
Instead of all thats happening now pure insanity
Thus proud each very soul Beauty and love as untold
Develope a oneness allow common sense again to be
terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
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