Category: /General/
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He never knew just what he had it's trueWhen he had all a man could want in life~
Angels that loved him , depended upon him
A good christian and loving wife~
But some little boys just never grow up
When it comes to being mature~
They keep searching for yet better love
When they have love that always will endure~
But you havent got to be real smart
To figure out what happened to him~
He ended up with another no way as good
And her chances of being so were slim~
His little angels how they cried for him
Their mother blamed herself for it all~
Because the one she loved had told her so
It all almost drove her right up the wall~
Destroyed a lot of her confidence
And it all set her back aways~
Some little boys will always be little boys
Searching for more love still their latest craze~
Some little boys will always be little boys
Some simply never grow to be men~
By the time they have found they have lost it all
Way too late to go back once agen~
Terrence Michael Sutton
copyright 1988 brought forward
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