Category: /General/
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One imagines away back even when humans started again
After the earth was yet wiped clean again once more
Nature it played its symphonies as it had had always
Wild life sea life human life again as each day before
Working as one come rain come sun a new life begun
Deepest caves assumed gave shelter from all that be
Dry wood stacked packed flint gave fire flames cracked
All as one in order to survive as mountains down to sea
Weapons for hunting protection food thus fetched hung
Other tribes nearby like all read the sea and the sky
Preperation For harder times as nature gave warnings
Most then assumed worshiped the sun ever so high
Even then their was birth new children a future of worth
No doctors all was as natural as nature it thus allowed
There was no as if God just ground sky water and sod
And knowing took place of herbs with all as one and proud
Natural springs caught in pools created heading off to sea
Dried wild goat skins held water after food for slaughter
Animal skins made clothes their meat naturally dried
For warmth for all families the aged a son and a daughter
They would have known weaving of vine straw and twig
Simplicity was the then word of every new day arrived
Taking life as it came heat and of rain again the same
Life was simple one imagines and for most all thrived
Yet all these years later so much of to complain always
With all of todays wealth greed selfishness lack of love
We yet cannot do the same as they did all that time ago
One people as one all that time ago hand in glove
terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
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