Category: /General/
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Early yet I wondered in morning sunlight
Down along the garden stone created way
Naturally and beautiful delights they grew
Welcoming this gentle early garden way
Then I saw an exotic bloom I'd forgotten
I'd given up on it performing some time ago
Facing myself from within a protected spot
As if saying softly life's not all that bad its so
Life goes on as if a gentle song if only all to sing
Theres always heartbreak pain to find in life
Almost all of it could be decided over a table
Sadly many get kicks out of causing others strife
Theres never an end to destroying others lives
Be it religions politics or I'm king of castle game
With as much positive effort the end result of it
Might allow blooms like this one sun and rain
Simply and naturally it bloomed undisturbed
Giving what comes naturally be it day or night
Allowing other blooms to do likewise peacefully
With love as it was meant to be without any plight
To think such wisdom comes from an exotic bloom
Distpite what endless others think it should be
Bring love peace of mind and such sublime beauty
Giving credit to all things positive and naturally
terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
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