Category: /General/
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When times are bad and seeming sad
There's things that one can do
To take ones mind off all that's blind
And enjoy a magic moment taking two
It has a way all of its own if alone
To have two ever so forget it all
All that is weighing life down some
For them to know no sin and no regret
A therapeutic activity body mind and soul
Been the same since first moon or rain
Has a way to take all life's stress away
Since life it begun always been the same
Nothing can replace it as everyone they know
Those that ignore it hypocrites but they do too
Thinking that they can lie to themselves
A thinking that's always been a lie right through
One knows how wonderful it feels to take part
Sins go into bins and lids replaced ever so
Alone at home or stranger just fat on the bone
It works always did always will all stress to go
Its a natural as the evening breezes that blow
As needed as the moon when large and round
As satisfying as anything a doctor can prescribe
All facts of life here and now upon the ground
terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
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