Category: /General/
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I woner why that person shot her or him the other day
He must have been out of his very cotton pick'en mind
But then its so for all one could at the time know
The one shot might have had a karioki you'll find
Some have these machines at home use it none stop
Can't hold a note to save their lives giving all the lot
Totally tone deaf most and giving all they've got
Ever lived near one hell on earth brains in a knot
Like it or lump it one has no option but to hear
Its like living next to an asylum for every soul
Or in the old days off people stretched on racks
For whatever reasons away back in days of old
It all started with karioki bars somewhere away
From all within hearing but then some with wealth
Decided to get one of their own bringing it home
And out the door peace of mind and often health
Should all be near a graveyards be good there too
But those in there might think their all in hell true
Nothing within the law anyone they can ever do
Like living next to mosks speakers all day through
terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
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