10/13/18 Pastor Osteen's Your Faith
Category: /General/
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Mark 5The lady touched Your robe and You confirmed that her faith healed her.
You are bigger than I am.
I can reach out and touch You.
The crowd represents broken dreams, things that didn't work out and discouraging words.
You have a way and You are the Way.
Acts 14:9
Something good is going to happen.
You are here.
This year is Your year.
Hebrews 11:6
I need to have faith in order to please You.
I need to stir up what You have put in me.
You are on the way.
You are waiting on me.
Faith is always in the present.
You are making things happen that I can never make happen.
You are giving me strength.
I can stay encouraged.
You are full of Surprises.
You have whispered dreams and promises in my spirit.
I am a victor, not a victim.
You are fair and You are a God of Justice.
You want to bring me out better.
By Your stripes, I am healed.
I need to walk by faith and not by sight.
My faith will bring unusual favor.
Amen, thank You.
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