Category: /General/
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Everybody crying the bush fire delibersately lit
They never think natures a fire bug as well
Two limbs rubbing together in a strong wind
Throwing out beer bottles the sun hot as hell
Flipping a cigarette out the car window too
On a hot day I've seen eggs fry on a rock
In Australia birds bring glass to build a nest
Theres more natural fires started than'd shock
Built up piles of grass over years get so hot
Ever stuck your hand in lawn clippings old
And yet they look for someone to blame
Of the negatives of nature never to be told
An old bit from a horses bridle in the grass
On a hot day cannot be picked up no way
Why do they think a crow bar never laid down
Insread of stood up upon any working day
Endless natural reasons fires started due to heat
Try walking bare footed in outback sand I say
Too many people that do not know anything
The sun and nature can ignite on any given day
terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
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