AN OLD MUCIC HAS RISEN ( A sense of humor required )
Category: /General/
(981 views)0
Theres an old once type of music
Thats been born again it seems
Everybodies heard it unless deaf
It on its own simply shatters dreams
No talent needed volume desabells
Can hear it on dark side of moon
They don't use file backs no probs
Can't hear themselves can't hold a tune
Could drop them in a hole karioli too
Half way down to hell still hear them true
Its broke loose in the Philippines of late
Sometimes all night till morning through
The Philippines Karioki Blues
You have no need to sing in any way
Only need a good set of lungs let it rip
They kick off early till the very next day
Sounding like someone took bottle off baby
Some females have a rough idea but hell
The males all sound the same as if they were
Thrown by one leg where the devil dwells
If they were to get on Philippines Got Talent
Judges would go home leave them on their own
Give them a mike and take off right away
They can't hear themselves deaf as a bone
The new music Philippines Karioki Blues
Who cares about ill aged babies any soul
The Philippine Karioki Blues louder still
No file backss deaf as volume desabells bold
terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
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