Category: /General/
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A forest almost full of younger pines
And just up the way stood older tree
Had been there for such a longest time
And the pine cutters they just let it be
Taller stronger wider with endless cones
Had seen many a pine season come and go
Nature had given it the power to survive
The hottest days the rains and the snow
That forest area was called lone pine hill
If only this giant could ever in life talk
Many had chosen that area lone pine hill
Since they first met years ago to walk
Experience resistence patients knowing
It stood upon this hill of pines and grace
Many now with family they often went
And sat under its peaceful lone pine space
One could see it from mountain ever near
Over valley and across the forests near by
From a lookout that was simply miles away
As it kept company with cloud up in the sky
Generations were told of it being long ago
And it stood still proud and tall does today
Eagles nested in it every year to raise young
And every year they grew and flew away
terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
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