MOTHER AND DAUGHTER ( from my childrens poems )
Category: /General/
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The lake it shone in the morning sun
That was edged by the short green turf~
A mother n her new born foal
Where they lay upon the earth~
The mother was a chocolate brown
The new born foal was a chestnut light~
A baby born to a mother proud
Sometime within the night~
A little sparrow kept the company
And hopped around within the turf~
And even sat upon the mothers head
As it sang with all its worth~
Could you imagen my excitement
When these two Id found~
So very content and healthy
As they lay still upon the ground~
"" Whoooops "" A little awkward yet
The mother turned her head as if to smile~
The little foal then it stood up
And walked around awhile ~
Terrence Michael Sutton
copyright 1988
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