Category: /General/
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Our soul passes thoughts to our minds
Thats were our thinking it begins
Often from there on to our hearts
And us redesigning fate nobody wins
We add importance of age looks wealth
Telling ourselves we know better still
All the while we pass chances by a mile
Walking over diamonds upon stones untill
Always same others we blame sun and rain
Untill we all realize at a grand old age
Sitting way later alone on a porch at home
Saying read the book but missed many a page
Our souls sent graces too late now for embraces
We never heard the words in the wind that blew
Busy doing things our own way with games we play
A little more listening instead of saying we knew
Since time gave birth with all its natural worth
Humans can never in life be ever told its so
Telling ourselves we'er the interlectual species
And the words in the winds of life still blow
terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
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