Category: /General/
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Our planet has been in a mess before
With religion politics behind of war
Born during ww2 seen it all for sure
When powers that be opened that door
Australians were at korea many died
War is not the answer another egg fried
Then Vietnam was not our war in any way
When Johnson did as he did so many died
Now weve a hidden agenda lips sealed tight
Russia USA telling all they'll save plight
But in reality they have secret in their can
While convincing all everythings alright
But its all been before seen it years ago
Started happening finished over its so
Political ego's let loose to run a muck
In the middle innocent souls die as we know
Weve been in a mess before lost all we adore
Endless children died families by the score
Money over population and way lots more
Empoyment as well so they tell us for sure
terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
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