Category: /General/
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It matters not what browser you may use
If you believe they aren't watching you
Doesn't matter cooking to come what may
Your dater is collected by them its true
Choosing a private browser almost a joke
All you do and search goes on their file
Just more human controll getting worse
As time does by for all birth to hurse
There are ways to tell what they all do
With any sense tape up your camera too
All they are doing is really a crime in time
As they collect and assume as they all do
But there are ways to bore them all crazy
Computer stalkers most brain dead lazy
All the main places from google to facebook
Would be full of unhappy marriages hazy
So rest assure whatever you do its true
Most of then would love to as well do it too
But for them its a job they need to get a life
Collect this you twit might make your day true
terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
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