Category: /General/
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I simply adore this country ever so
From mountains to white sandy shore
Beautiful people from children to old
Every day I feel the same even more
But in all the while besides all existing
There needs created inspectors taught
To take areas of their responsibilities
Working weekly inspecting areas sought
Health Hygiene teaching poorer homes
To do things to prevent rather than cure
Home to home and back calls if needed
Helping the poorer to healthier endure
Being also would provide work positions
And reducing illness in the simplest ways
No cost to the poorer but wisest advice
As from children to older living their days
Breeding less mosquito's to sewage pits
Washing hands more often all of the time
Employed to inspect homes home to home
Computer records kept hygiene health fine
Prevention way better than any existing cure
Endless ideas taught to many who know not
There might be some but more so needed so
A way healthier existing home to home the lot
Inspectors working with another companion
A well marked car and also cameras in place
Each covering their daily areas of responsibility
A way happier Philippines smiles on every face
terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
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