12/14/18 Pastor Osteen's Right On Time
Category: /General/
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You are right on time.There is an appointed time for the promises to be fulfilled.
I need to trust Your timing.
Hebrews 6:12
Faith without patience can get me into trouble.
Many times, I get in a hurry.
Psalm 106
You know what You are doing.
I need to wait for the promises to unfold.
You are working behind the scenes.
Matthew 11
You know when the right time is.
I need to come into the unforced rhythms of grace.
You have given me the desires of my heart.
I am in a season of planting and this is a time of testing.
Psalm 1-37
I am not in season.
I am in a waiting season.
I am in a development season.
I need to be faithful and I need to do the right thing.
You are getting me prepared for what You have in store.
You love me too much to let the promises come to pass now.
You have shown Your love by what You have been withholding.
To protect me, You withhold things.
You are a Great God.
You are ordering my steps.
I can stay encouraged.
I need to be patient and not take matters into my own hands.
You are Precise, Detailed and Strategic down to the split second.
You are ordering the steps of the people who I need.
Mark 5
Amen, thank You.
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