Category: /General/
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We live our lives doing always as taught
Following a given from birth set of rules
And only few ever do wander from there
Never activate wildest sensations like mules
Comes a time a little extra wine a stop over
During a longest flight a night time to bight
A place that you've never been in life before
Alone you thought to sleep some over night
Another passenger doing same time to blame
Says want to kill an hour or two no fun alone
Strangers but pleasant company who knows
You attend making yourself next door at home
The whole trip being a weary one now half way
Each knowing not of the other not that caring
A little wine with nicest things to enjoy chewing
You think time for a little time out a little sharing
Who's to tell there to enjoy not in any way dwell
Relaxation needed time to pass no explanation
Taking advantage of what could be a chance divine
What the hell could just be your wildest sensation
Proving to be as a volcano lava running ever slow
All vibrating as an earthquake poetry in motion
Allowing a stop over to be all of that and more
A time to move in the timing of swells on ocean
One's wildest sensation presenting it's self slowly
And being all you imagined it to be and even more
Still to get a good nights sleep after all said and done
A personal best stop over like waves washing the shore
terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
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