Category: /General/
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One finds in life all sorts of peple
Some outgoing and others not so
Some call it being shy as some are
Others speak their minds let you know
Its not a sin to be concertative in life
Its not a sin if one is not its true
But if a concertative soul goes to a party
There won't be a lot of cake right through
Not everyone's psychic enough to read minds
Friends often feel they are'nt a friend to you
As conversation seems none existant then
And they never know of what is best to do
Myself if this becomes the way things are
Best keep to ones self conversation too
No way one wishes to force any conversation
With any soul who does'nt wish to talk to you
Not ever having done a bad turn puzzling so
Best to just accept it all as is let it go
But if you find them likable a friend to know
It becomes sad so you just let the water flow
terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
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