11/24/18 Pastor Osteen's You Are A Rewarder
Category: /General/
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Thank You, God, for waking me up to encourage me each and every morning and thank You for this daily bread each evening just before bedtime.Thank You, Lord, for Your covering and protection throughout the day and thank You for the delegated authority You have placed over me.
I am asking that You please lighten their loads and give them rest in the name of Jesus Christ.
Hebrews 11:6
You are a Rewarder of those who diligently seek You.
Even Your daily bread of encouragement is a reward just like Your covering and protection.
Your Voice is a reward.
When You speak, that is a reward.
Through the parents You gave Pastor Osteen, You taught him to honor You.
Favor comes from honoring You.
Favor is a reward.
I want to please You and I need to ask You for wisdom when making decisions.
Restoration is also a reward.
A reward is coming for the Church.
This page is dedicated to You and the Church.
Inside information is another reward for honoring You.
Causing me to be at the right place at the right time is another reward for seeking You.
Matthew 6:33
I need to seek You and Your Righteousness first.
Your Kingdom is Your Righteousness, Joy and Peace.
The dreams and desires You have placed in my heart are an additional reward.
I am called to make a difference and honor You.
Money means nothing to me and I cannot take anything with me when You return at the Second Coming.
You are a Vital Necessity.
I need to spend time with You.
I need to feed my spiritual, or inner person.
In Your presence is fullness of joy.
There is praise music on YouTube.
Every good thing comes from You.
Proverbs 3:6
I need to acknowledge You.
Thank You, Lord, for speaking to me on this site and through the television set.
I need to acknowledge You more often.
I need to acknowledge You in all my ways.
You want to be involved in every part of the life You have given me.
I need to acknowledge You even in everyday life.
Proverbs 22:4
Amen, thank You.
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