WEE WILLY WAGGLES ( from my childrens poems )
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Wee Willy Waggles was the whitest whale
And from the day he was born he was a wiggler ~
He wiggled and waggled so very much
His friends called him Willy the wiggling jiggler~
You could always find Willy in a crowd of whales
As he would make the wildest waves as he was going~
Wilder waves than any whale could make
Most of all when he surviced to do his blowing~
Other whales loved playing with Willy Waggles
And they would swirl around in Willys waves so wildly~
Willys mother would always be watching him
As she wondered around swimming mildly~
And Wee Willy Waggles was so easy to watch
Because Wee Willy was so wonderfully white~
For Wee Willy was so wonderfully white
He could even be seen at night~
All the fish in the ocean how they loved Willy
When Willy would wonder their watery way~
And they all loved Wee Willy so very much
They'd cry out "Oh Willy stay with us and play"~
Wee Willy Waggles was the whitest whale
The most popular whale in the water~
Mrs whale , Willys mum wondered just what
Would have happened if she'd had a daughter~.
Terrence Michael Sutton
copyright 1988
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