12/9/18 Pastor Osteen's Favor Connections
Category: /General/
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Thank You, Lord, for this Message and this encouragement can help Your people.I am asking that You please connect Your people to each other in the name of Jesus Christ.
You are expanding my vision.
You are preparing me in my thinking.
I will never go where I can't accept.
I need to get in agreement with You.
I need people who think and dream bigger than I think and dream.
I need to connect with people who have Your favor.
What I sow, I will reap.
I need to sow into people's lives who have what I want.
You have brought favor connections into the path You have laid out for me.
I need to sow into where I want to go.
Oil represents favor.
I need to look around and find people You are blessings.
Luke 5
I need to obey You.
Who I am connected to is important.
I need to connect with people who are blessed and seeing Your favor.
I need to look around and find the favor connections.
Amen, thank You.
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