Category: /General/
(1103 views)1
Reasearch is done I'm told on T V of late
Why the middle of the Sun is hotter there
Than the surface of the Sun is they ask
And they are scientists beyond compare
Why do they think the earth hotter then
In the middle of the planet all hot air
Wasting endless money on their stupidity
Earth is suffering as if they even care
The human race all but lost it dying so
Like religions screaming about abortions
And every day thousands of children die
All religions politics scientists distortions
I should be a scientist too as I found out
If I throw dirt up in the air it comes down
And as well that water doesn't run up hills
If I dive under for an hour I will drown
Knock it off go to hell improve our planet
Brain dead money wasters scientific fools
Take way more interest in our planet home
I get way more common sense from mules
terrence michael sutton
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