Category: /General/
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It's always been the same old thing
Back in the days of long long ago
Housework just has to be done
To keep all in the home just so
If it's not doing dishes it's washing day
In the Philippines it's to the river side
And doing all the washing still today
Down there with endless care and pride
It all goes down dry but comes back wet
Then cart it all the way back to home too
Wet as a shag mostly all in an old rice bag
And rinsed out hung all over on a line or two
But it's as well a catch up on all the gossip
A guess who did what with whom and when
And a I wonder if his wife knows about it
Kind of day every once in awhile ag'en
Back home in time for a same old drama
Most just the same as those on before
Filipino's don't watch T V sitting up
They all do it laying mostly on the floor
terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
( Borrowed picture )
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