Category: /General/
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Rainy weather, yummy.
Plants thank you, animals rejuvenate.
The drops that purify the Planet.
The State of São Paulo, with so many people, and asphalts, not counting the garbage we throw every day in the streets, created the floods.
We can improve, we just do not throw rubbish in the streets, on the roads, in the rivers, back to people.
And we attacked the rulers. But we are far from Education.
Time, which makes us feel our own reflection, are moments that we choose, are moments that we experience.
Time is something we embrace, but that we leave aside as well, the question of technology, so much irony, nanoseconds pass, and we leave loved ones.
Time, coming and going.
Time that inspires poets.
Time warning.
Time to time.
I want to dedicate to Peace, to life.
In every moment, everything has the right time to occur.
São Paulo, February 6, 2019.
Teka Castro,
I offer all the environmentalists, especially Adilson Mikami, and the students of Etec José Rocha Mendes, who start their classes today.
Peace and good.
9:14 p.m. Thank God rainy day and hot little cold.
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