Category: /terezacristinagoncalvesmendescastro/Homage/
Eduardo Riveiro Castro
Science Fair of EE Professor Doctor Lauro Pereira Travassos - 07/11/2019.
Anonymous Heroes
21 years
Father Marcelo Rossi
Didn't Want To Thrill Me - Goodbye Gugu Liberato
Recreate a composition
Loss of a child
Black Consciousness - November 20
Perda de um filho
Poetic synthesis of the Anthology of a Garden in Words - Oficina do Livro Publishing House.
Alexia Cristina
Departures and arrivals.
Goodbye, Lourinho José; Goodbye, Tom Veiga
19 years without you
Silent Applause
Live: Demystifying Writing
Message to the candidate Eli Corrêa - Councilor to SP - 2020.
Alexia CristinaSão Paulo