Just a digital
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Just a digital
Each one is unique in millions of human beings, no matter how strange, even in twins.
The digital is a unique reference that intrigues humanity, in fact, we can be brothers, similar to the Father-Creator, but we are unique, each one with billions of agglomerated particles that form us as human beings, form the most differentiated cells, among which the conjunctive ones, that form the skin, and other tissues. We are invested by an incredible geometry, we are able to form ourselves in the maternal uterus with only the junction of a sperm and egg, and the several cellular divisions, we are molded by the creator, and thus, after 270 days approximately inside an envelope we become similar with the familiar advance, but we also differentiate ourselves among all.
We are unique, and our digital is there to prove it.
Unfortunately unscrupulous people try to manipulate everything, today our fingerprints, used in identity cards, RG, here in Brazil, in the electronic ballot boxes, especially in elections, and in banks, with such biometrics.
This is my day, and everything becomes poetic prose or poetry, and nothing that is not true the issue of human digital, which make us unique and at the same time children of the same Father (God, Allah, Jehovah, Christ...).
May we be sincere, may we be authentic, may we be ourselves and thank God for everything that we experience in this world.
Teka Castro - daughter, sister, wife, mother, teacher, writer, environmentalist and writer.
Published in two websites:
http://www.escritas.org and http://etastic.com - search for Tereza Cristina G Castro.
research sites: https://super.abril.com.br/blog/oraculo/as-impressoes-digitais-sao-realmente-unicas/ and https://ciencia.estadao.com.br/blogs/carlos-orsi/nao-existem-mesmo-duas-impressoes-digitais-iguais/
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator
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